Moral Stories

Bringing Light to your life...


Two men were walking along one summer day. Soon it
became too hot to go any further and, seeing a large
plane tree nearby, they threw themselves on the
ground to rest in its shade.

Gazing up into the branches one man said to the other:
“What a useless tree this is. It does not have fruit or
nuts that we can eat and we cannot even use its
wood for anything.”
“Don’t be so ungrateful,” rustled the tree in reply.
“I am being extremely useful to you at this very
moment, shielding you from the hot sun.
And you call me a good-for-nothing!”

All of God’s creations have a good purpose.
Islam teaches us that we should never belittle Allah’s blessings.


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“You cannot treat people by means of your wealth; hence, you should treat them by means of your moral conduct"- Prophet Muhammed(Peace be up on him)

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