A little fish considers her ocean to be the only universe, after all, how big is an ocean for a little fish! Once a big fish advised the little fish about fishermen outside the water but she could not be convinced to believe that there could be anything 'beyond' this under-water- world. The big fish gave descriptions of the fishermen and their tools (ship, baits, net, sinker.. etc) and warned her to stay away from those things.
One day, the little fish came across something strange and suddenly remembered what the elder fish had said about fishermen & their tools. The little fish moved ahead saying "There is no such thing as fishermen" and started to eat the bait until the hook got stuck into her mouth. Sadly, she was dragged out of the water and this was it! She could now see the world-beyond- water and became certain about what the elder fish had said before but unfortunately, she had no chance to return back.
Some of us we might consider that this world is the only world. Some fish cannot perceive life outside of water, however, there are also some fish who can see things outside the water, it might also happen that a small fish comes out of water for a short time then goes back without being hurt (thus witnessing things outside the water). There are Angels as well as Jinns outside our sights, we don't see them. Devils can be imagined as the fishermen with baits trying to lure us. We have been warned to stay away from evil, even if we like it's bait.
Imagine that the Angel of death suddenly appears before us and demands our Soul/Spirit (it can happen any instant anyway), if we don't happily surrender ourselves, that Angel could painfully snatch our Soul from us. Then we will realize and become certain about that unseen world, quite like that fish in the above example. Our death is certain, but are we prepared to stand in front of our Lord?
Some of us we might consider that this world is the only world. Some fish cannot perceive life outside of water, however, there are also some fish who can see things outside the water, it might also happen that a small fish comes out of water for a short time then goes back without being hurt (thus witnessing things outside the water). There are Angels as well as Jinns outside our sights, we don't see them. Devils can be imagined as the fishermen with baits trying to lure us. We have been warned to stay away from evil, even if we like it's bait.
Imagine that the Angel of death suddenly appears before us and demands our Soul/Spirit (it can happen any instant anyway), if we don't happily surrender ourselves, that Angel could painfully snatch our Soul from us. Then we will realize and become certain about that unseen world, quite like that fish in the above example. Our death is certain, but are we prepared to stand in front of our Lord?

{ It is He (Allah) Who has given the best form to everything that He has created. He originated the creation of man from clay; then automated the creation of his progeny by an extract of a despicable water; then He fashioned him in due proportion and breathed into him of His spirit. He gave you ears, eyes and heart; yet you are seldom thankful. They say: "What! Once we are lost in the earth, shall we be created afresh?" Nay! They deny the fact that they will ever meet their Lord. Al-Qur'an [ as-Sajda -- 32:7-12 ]:
Say: "The angel of death (Izra'il) who is assigned for you will carry off your souls and bring you back to your Lord." If only you could visualize when the criminals will hang their heads before their Lord saying: "Our Lord! We have seen and we have heard; please send us back to the world and we will do good deeds: we are now convinced." }
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